How To Fold A Mattress?

Transitioning to a new home is often one of life’s most delightful yet occasionally challenging experiences. The process of moving, folding, and transporting a mattress can prove to be quite demanding. Whether you’re settling into a new place or just attempting to transport it upstairs, maneuvering your bed without bending or folding it by yourself can be a formidable task.

Exercise caution to prevent any harm to your hybrid or innerspring mattress.

Unless you have no other choice, avoid folding or bending your mattress. This might cause serious damage to your mattress that is difficult to repair, depending on the type of mattress you have.

Some types of mattresses suffer more damage the more you fold them. Due to the fact that doubling or folding a mattress also folds the coils, foam encasement, or border rods, it may never sit level on your foundation or box spring again. If you have a hybrid mattress or a traditional innerspring mattress, the steel pieces will be crushed, dented, or folded, and such damage will be difficult to repair.

Which Mattresses can be Folded?

Mattresses that may be readily folded and moved about:

  • memory foam
  • latex
  • other forms of flexible foams

When these mattresses are sold, they are normally vacuum packed, rolled up, and placed in a box. This has no negative consequences. This is something you can accomplish on your own if you have a memory foam or latex mattress.

You will require the following items:

  • a mattress bag made of plastic
  • vacuum cleaner
  • duct tape
  • ratchet straps


Bedding should be Removed

When folding a memory foam or latex mattress, the first step is to remove the sheets. Remove all sheets, blankets, mattress protectors, and other items from the bed and leave it bare.

Place the Mattress in the Carry-on Bag

If you’re moving, it’s preferable to place your mattress in a plastic mattress bag, compress it, and roll it up rather than folding it and tying it with a rope. This manner, you’ll be able to safeguard it from everything that can happen during transportation.

To compress the mattress, you’ll need a mattress bag that’s the proper size to allow the mattress to go in easily. Get a heavy-duty plastic bag with a seal if at all feasible.

After you’ve sealed your mattress in a bag, add a couple strands of duct tape to tighten the seal. If you can’t find a plastic bag with a seal, you may use any plastic bag of the appropriate size and fasten it with a large amount of duct tape.

Remove the Air Using a Vacuum Cleaner

After sealing the mattress within the plastic bag, suck the air out using a vacuum cleaner. Connect your vacuum hose and begin sucking the air out after the valve from the vacuum bag is properly secured.

Keep your mattress level on the floor while doing this, since it will compress extremely rapidly. This also reduces the chance of the foam being damaged.

Roll it up and Secure it with a Strap

Once the bed is compressed, roll it up and secure it using ratchet straps. This will prevent it from unfolding. Tie-down straps are another name for ratchet straps. They are inexpensive and may be found at a market.

Ratchet straps will make moving the mattress much easier, and they will provide you with something solid to hold when lifting and carrying your bed. In the event that the tape and vacuum seal work fails, these will keep everything in place.

To Conclude

You may be moving into a new house or just relocating your bed. You need to fold it to make it simpler to move. But you should know how to do it safely and without hurting your mattress.

Some mattresses, such as classic innerspring and hybrid mattresses should not be bent or folded because they can cause major damage, whereas mattresses built solely of flexible foams can be folded and moved around simply. If you need to fold a memory foam or latex mattress, simply follow the steps mentioned above and you should be able to do it without an issue.